Abigale with Anna spent a lot of time at trips not only in surrouding of their home. Here are few pictures from their trip to castle Žebrák and Točník. We are happy that Abigale is happy in her new home and we look forward to soon meeting.
We put online information about our A litter with some puppy pictures.
Merry Christmas to all wish Pavla, Jarda, Nelsonek, Egitka, Ribinka, Yarinek a Lili se Šmudlinkou.
We are still looking for a new home for Bob, if you are interested, don't be hesitate to contact me!
We got results of DNA of our dogs Lili, Abušky and Yarinka. Lili and Yari are both CEA DNA Normal, Abuška is Carrier. We are really happy from this results, we didn't expect so great results!!!
Few short news - 29.11. we were for one afternoon at smooth collie meeting with our friend Lenka and Nela. I took almost all from our group - tj. Nelson, Egi, Ribbie, Yari and Lili. Unfortunately it was less time for anything...thank to us were at this big meeting 65 smooth collies.
6. - 7.12. we were as two years before in Wels - this time with Lili - on Saturday in intermediate class from german judge Heidi Müller Ex1, CACA. On sunday Lili was in youth class and got from judge Peter Harszany Ex1, CAJC, so she fulfil conditions for austrian juniorchampion!
Abigale left us in Thursday morning to her new home in Usti with Anicka. Now she study her new home, but she is good girl, so I hope they will be good companion.
I made final desicion about breeding at our lovely girl Abigale. Because she didn't developed as I've expected and she is allergic to flea bite and some preparates against fleas, I decided not to breed on her. She will moved to Usti nad Labem, where she will live in coowning with Anna Slezarova. She still be ours girl, and she can return home everytime. But I think she will have nice life with Anna.
Lili started with her season, so her next season should be in May 2009, when we would like to go to UK for mating. More in our plans.
Today we update our website to new webdesing, which made for us our friend Marcela
Kubu. We hope you will like our new website and we are sorry, because we will need a little time to make all online.
Today was international show in Prague. Nelson's son Arnold of Bohemia balada got Ex1, CAC in intermediate class, then my friend Sabina showed for me Lili in youth class and they were a super team and won Ex1, CAJC. Then I showed Nelson's daughter Anabela of Bohemia balada and we got Ex1, CAC, CACIB and BOB!!! During fighting for BOB, jugde very long time think over between Lili and Anabela, then she choose Anabela because of her lovely colour! I am proud of all and big thank to Sabina for all her help!!!
Today celebrate Bela and Becky 3 years!!! Congratulation to both girls!!!
Because Bob is almost blind, I took him to eye check on 31.10.2008, because I thought, that there could be some problem, which we
can medicate and make it better. But the result was big shock for us - Bob is PRA positive. He is the first smooth collie in Czech with
this result. So we have to now confirm it with DNA test at Optigen, what we want to do till the end of year.
And because Egi is Bob's daughter, I took her and Nelson for clinic eye check too, both are CEA, PRA, KAT free on 3.11.2008.
Today at 5:40 morning we had to sleep down Ada - one from the old boys. He was great boy and we are very sad, that he wasn't able
to be with us longer time. He was 13 years 2 months and 13 days old.
I would like to thank to all, who helped us with these boys. It seems that Bob will stay with us forever, I hope it will be longer
time then with Ada. Please cross your fingers to us.
Today Nelson got his own mail:))) He got confirmation of his International champion titel!!!:)))
27.9. we were with Lili and Abigale at international show in Česke Budějovice. Lili was Excellent 2 and Abigale Excellent 1
without titel, because she didn't show her ears well.
4.-5.10. we entered Club and European show in Budapest with Lili and our friend Lenka and Nela. At Club show we were both second, Nela
got too resCAC. At European show the same.
We have many news .... we have brought two old boys to our group...one is 9 years old tricolour father of our Egret - Being Dream Alkami
and second is 13 years old blue merle boy Agile Dream Alkami. Both are in bad conditions, so we will try to help him to come back
to normal conditions. Some pictures you can find here.
Because of my illness we wasn't able to go to Dlouha Stropnice for herding training. We hope we will be able to go for other
training to Sekerkovy Loucky.
We remake and add some new to our section In memories and new titels to
4.9.2008 celebrates Yarinek 2 years!!! Best wishes!!!
We have behind us not so happy days. The worse was Saturday 30.8.2008, when thanks to car crash died our loving cat
Sindibádek. He was our friend for more then 5 years and he educated all our dogs, he moved with us
two times and in his age 3 years he learned to go outside alone. He was very clever boy and we will miss him very much.
From other news - Lili entered some shows - on 23.-24.8. austrian show in Innsbruck, where she
got both days Ex1,CAJC, and on Sunday too BOB. At the end of July at international show in Mladá Boleslav, Lili again got very
nice judgement and result Ex2.
We put new photogallery - our puppies "A" litter in 8.weeks from Ivan
Růžička and second with our cats.
Nelsonek celebrates 4 birthdate!!! Best wishes!!!
So all puppies are now in their new homes, we wish them all the best and look forward to news from them:))
And on Saturday was national show in Mlada Boleslav, where Lili was at first time show and got V2, and Nelson in open class
V1, CAC.
Today has Ribbie birthday, she is 3 years old:))) Congratulation!!!
Today is Moon's birthday, he is 4 years old:))) And Lili will have tommorrow 1 year, so congratulation to both!!!
Aidan left us yesterday to new home and we will meet often, because he will live near us. And today come new owners for our Anamur and they will live in Most. We wish to our puppies and to their owners all the best and long satisfied life together:)))
Puppies are 8 weeks old, they have first vaccination yet.
On Saturday we had to move Moon to new stable, so he is now again back at same stable, where he was after his buying.
And on Sunday we entered international show in Salzburg, which judged P.Fricke from germany.
Abigale got V2, res CACA, Nelson's daughter Anabela got Ex1, CAJC and they fulfill conditions for Jch.A..
Puppies are 7weeks old, we will go for eye check.
Today was international show in Litoměřice, where were Nelson's puppies - Anabela of BB got Ex1, CAJC, Artemis in intermediate class Ex2, resCAC and Arnold of BB Ex1, CAC. Congratulation and thank you for so great presentation of Nelson's children!!!
Today are puppies 6weeks old. Some new pictures from
Ivana Růžičky.
On monday we were at eye check and puppies had this results - Aidanek s Ashley are CEA, PRA, KAT free, Anamur is CEA positive
(hypoplasia choroidea), PRA, KAT free.
And we got too results of
MDR1 test from german
Laboklin for all our dogs and puppies.
And on Sunday we were in Penig at Special show. Abigale got in intermediatte class her first adult CAC.
And Nelson's children were at poland show in Jelenia Gora a got Arnold of BB Ex1, CWC, Anabela of BB Ex1, CWC, BOB. Big big
congratulation, Nelson is really proud of you both!!!!
Puppies were 4 weeks old. Some new video at their side.
And at weekend was Club show in Repec, where were Nelson's daughter Artemis of BB and got V2, res CAC with amazing judgement.
And Lili is big girl and has her first season.:))
Puppies was 3 weeks old yesterday. More picture from Sabina Havlickova at their side.
Today we were at national show in Dresden. Abigale got V1,CAJC and Anabela V1, CAC. Judge was Rolf Blessing (D).
Puppie are 2 weeks old, they grow very well, some new pictures.
We were at herding this weekend. Lili made Instinct Herding Test in very young age (she is younger then 10months). Some picture
and maybe video soon.
And today made Nelson's daughter Aireen of Bohemia balada obedience exam - ZOP with absolutely great result. Congratulation!!!
This weekend was really bussy:)) On Saturday we entered CACIB show in Berlin. But in the morning started to bear Sabina's mare. So we helped to the little mare to born and even she was absolutelly handsome and quick, we were one hour late, then we count. And it was the problem....we came to the show 20 minutes after its beginning, but because we knew from website, that we should be last in ring 24 at polish judge, we were in calm. Sabina went to the ring with dogs and I tried to find some place for parking. But when Sabina came to the ring, she found out, that they change everything in the morning and smooth collies were in other ring and was first....so we went so long trip for nothing:((( But we are happy that we could be at the beginning of new life and the little one is absolutelly fantastic girl:)))
On Sunday we went for herding training to our friend Ivan Linhart. I took there Nelson, Abigale and Lili. With us came Lenka with Bela and Nela and Marketa with Jirka and Arnold. Abigale and Lili was absolutelly fantastic, Nela wasn't so much happy from raining but Bela worked nice. Arnold was too excellent, even he saw sheeps first time. And Nelson....he was crazy as usual, when he is after long time at sheeps. After short time he was better and he started to react to my tries with sheeps to move in some direction, which I want....it was little bit difficult, but we worked really hard....I falled down few times, sheeps run over me, but I was happy, that all dogs were so happy with sheeps:))
Today we were outside with our friends. More pictures from this lovely walk are at
Skip and Odie page:))
Today were international show in Prague. This show enter some puppies after Nelson - Arnold of BB entered young class, Acapulko Bila Kaífa was in intermediatte class and Anabela and Aireen of BB entered young class too. Arnold and Anabela got Ex1,CAJC and Nomination for Crufts 2009, Aireen at her first show in strong competition Ex3. Acapulko got VG2 because of heavy ear. Big congratulation to all, father Nelson is absolutely proud of you all.
Some new pictures of Ribbie at puppy page. Big thanks to Sabina Havlickova for lovely picture.
Today we were for ultrasound and we have confirmed Ribbie's pregnancy!!! If everything will go ok, Ribbie should have puppies in half of April!!! More about expected litter you can find here.
Today we were at internatinal show in München. This day was absolutely horrible weather, strong wind, rain, snow...brrr.
Show was in new place, but I didn't like it so much...small rings, no place around rings, long waiting for judge....
even all these problems Abigale got V1, CAJC and she has very nice judgement.
Big thanks to Markéta Kouřilova for Abigale's pictures from ring (more picture you can find
This weekend we were at International show in Brno. It was really succesfull time for Nelson's daughters - Ankara Bila Kaífa
and Artemis of Bohemia balada. Ankara got V1, CAC and little Artemis V1, CAJC, BOB and 3.BIG!!!!
Big big congratulation to this wonderfull succes and we cross all our fingers to next!!! Then Ankara become a brood bitch
and our Ribbie too.
After show we went to Germany for mating - more in section Breeding plans. And here few pictures
of our parents from owner of Pitú Marion Rosenwald...Marion thank you very much for all your help and lovely pictures!!!
So we won't go to CACIB Nürnberg, because Abigale is in her first season:)
Abigale today celebrates first birthday. Congratulation:))) We measured her at this time and she is 52 cm high and she weights 17kg.
We wish you happy new year 2008! Pavla, Jarda, Nelson, Egret, Yari, Abu, Lili, Sindibad, Smudla and Moon
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