16.2.07 |
Finally we translated stud dogs to English and update some date in it. |
11.2.07 |
Updates at shows 2007, index site and pictures of dogs from show. |
18.11.06 |
Updates at shows, index site and pictures of dogs from show. |
1.10.06 |
Updates at Breeding station in Czech. Updates at Litters in Czech. |
17.9.06 |
New section Stud dogs (now only in Czech version, in near future I will
prepare english version too. You can send information about your stud
male if you fulfil this
form. |
30.8.06 |
Fill up results of last two shows in Czech with smoothies and actions and terms. |
21.7.06 |
Updates of section puppies, action and from smooth collie world. |
10.5.06 |
Fill up results of last two shows in Czech with smoothies (International
Show in Prague and Club Show in Repec), fill up imports and actions and terms. |
17.4.06 |
Fill up results of last three shows in Czech with smoothies (Pojizerská
county show, National show Ostrava, County show Hradec Králové) and fill
up actions and terms. |
11.3.06 |
puppies in abroad kennel Bell Pepper's after Exup Krásná Louka and
Bellpepper's Datapen. |
5.3.06 |
In Kennel Krásná Louka born 9 puppies after Beauty Krásná Louka and
Oneway's Miraculix. 5 sable males, 2 tricolour bitches and 2 sable
bitches. |
26.2.06 |
Update of puppies in abroad. More you can find here
http://www.smooth-collie.cz/nabidka_stenat.htm |
11.2.06 |
Fill up results of International Show in Brno. |
15.1.06 |
Fill up results of first show in 2006 - Olomouc. |
9.1.06 |
Fill up shows in abroad. Terms of club shows in Czech. |
20.11.05 |
Fill up pictures from running after show NVP Praha Letňany 12.11.2005. |
19.11.05 |
Fill up results from NVP Praha Letňany 12.11.2005. |
7.11.05 |
During weekned were MVP in Nitra SK.
Results here.
Fill up new links, puppies, new websites of kennel Turella's
in Germany, from this kennel was imported tricolour male Turella's
Skywalker last year. |
8.10.05 |
Fill up results of NVP Brno and MVP České Budějovice. |
2.10.05 |
So after very long time I got to updating of these websites.
New is
Planned Show in 2006.
I fyou know about some other show, please let me know and send me
information, enter forms and proposition to my email
kusovapavla@seznam.cz or by post to: Pavla Kůsová, Olštýnská
733/3, Praha 8 - Troja 181 00. |
3.-4.9.05 |
fill in results from MVP Mladá Boleslav. |
30.8.05 |
fill in results from Special show of collies in Prague Krč. |
14.8.05 |
New planned litters abroad. |
29.7.05 |
Fill up show results with parents of showed dogs
At HP Pavla Koška very interesting new
Map of smooth colllies in Czech |
25.7.05 |
fill in results from NVP Mlada Boleslav with pictures from Sabina
Havlickova. More in section Show passed. |
21.7.05 |
Fill up pictures of puppies in second week - more in section
Štěňátka + odchovy. |
13.7.05 |
Bayla Bayla Nirreterrit has puppies - 6 lovely puppies - 2 boys (blue
and tri), 4 girls (2 blue and 2 tri). More in czech section
Štěňátka + odchovy. |
3.7.05 |
fill in results from MVP Brno with pictures from Pavel Košek. More in
section Show passed. |
5.6.05 |
European show in Tulln - from Czech there were Míša Ouředníková with Bjů
and Coffee, Daniela Zemanová with Bodie and Garth, Dita Ungerová with
Alfa and me with Nelda. Results and pictures you can find at:
In future will be video from this show at website of Pavel Košek and
Dejdy. |
28.5.05 |
websites remove to new homepage
www.smooth-collie.cz |
23.5.05 |
fill in results from MVP Litoměřice |
8.5.05 |
new pictures from shows,if someone has better, please send it to my
email address
kusovapavla@seznam.cz |
7.5.05 |
fill in results from club show in Repec, Escape KL became a stallion dog
with a mark Excellent |
3.5.05 |
new link to pedigree tree from Pavel Košek, you can find here your dogs
and their ancestors |
3.5.05 |
new information abou meeting of collies and shelties breeders and owners
in Nachod, CR, 19.6. 2005 (more in planned action) |
30.4.05 |
fill in results from MVP Praha, 30.4.2005 |
29.4.05 |
new banner of our websites
28.4.05 |
fill in actual action |
24.4.05 |
fill in results from MVP Ceske Budejovice |
20.4.05 |
fill in passed action |
29.3.05 |
start of this web page |